Monday, September 13, 2010

I Blame My Husband...

.... and his (our) tasteless humor. It began months ago when I purchased this adorable summer appropriate tank tshirt for our son.
(I would post a picture of this shirt but my computer is having issues)
The first time Keegan wore it his Dad laughed and said, "He couldn't be any more trashy looking unless you added cutoff jean shorts" Then he proceeded to tell Keegan he was white trash. I'm shamefully admitting I giggled. Regardless, I now realize I shouldn't have laughed for many reasons. For days we thought it was funny that Keegan would say he was "GARBAGE" instead of saying "white trash." A 3 year old, especially one being raised by.. well lets face it. White Trash. Couldn't possibly understand what "white trash" really is. Could he?

Yesterday he opened our front door and yelled to his friend (who, coincidentally is white) playing out in his front yard, "HEY, WHITE TRASH!!!! WANNA PLAY WITH ME?!"

I haven't run since my angle injury but I tell you I hobbled pretty dang fast! As I pulled him in the house by his arm I glanced quickly across the street and was relieved to find no parent in sight, the neighbor kid was alone. Add this to the list of bad parenting and also to the list of things Keegan will try to say repeatedly in public because he has learned it is inappropriate.

Also just a side note. You may have noticed Keegan is sportin' his regular hair cut. The Dreds did not work to my liking. They really were cute but his hair wasn't course enough so the twists came out within a few hours. Also I hated spending 15 minutes everyday retwisting. Such a pain!


The Perry Family said...

I LOVE IT!!! Hilarious!! :)

Bret Bushman Family said...

That is pretty never know what your kids are going to repeat.

Jeff and Kira said...

HAHAHA! Jeff and I laughed so hard at this!

Kim said...

Oh my hell, that was so funny. He is hillarious and says the funniest things. I can't believe he called his friend "white trash" I'm still laughing in my seat. bahaha