Saturday, May 5, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break brings fun outings with the family.  My sister and her daughter and mother-in-law and sister-in-law and her daughter (get all that?)  went to the aquarium.

This Lobster was HUGE!!! He is 100 years old!!!!!

LOOK! Jacques the Inspector :)

This was the Shark tank. I couldn't get a decent picture when they came by. But I got the Sea Turtle! Is it not a cool picture???

The River Otters were lots of fun to watch. But once again the pictures didn't turn out at all. The kids were in the lookout dome when an Otter came right up to them and jumped on top of the dome they were in. The kids thought it was very exciting and funny!

Keegan was very excited about seeing the Stingrays. But when it came to touching them he got very nervous.

Look at his face as I would say "OK Keegan one is coming"

Good thing my sister was there to hold Daesha's long hair out of the water. :)

Finally Keegan was able to feel the Stingray with some help from me.

Finally MY favorite part. The Penguins!!! Keegan had a hard time seeing so I put him up on my shoulders. He was much happier up there. But kept a tight fist full of my hair just in case.

I had no idea that Emperor Penguins were so big! Here is Daesha standing next to a life size picture. An adult Emperor Penguin can be 3.6 feet tall!!!
 The Nautical room was kinda fun for the kids. They had some computer games and a marine sonar.

I love learning new things! Today I realized Nautical Flags have a purpose. I felt a little dumb that I didn't realize that nautical flags actually spell words or phrases. It's not like I have spent a lot of time on the ocean aboard my yaught so I gave myself some credit for not knowing this fact.

Finally we went to the gift shop where Keegan really enjoyed scaring his sister with the shark mask.

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