Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wow, I really have gotten behind on updating my blog. I will just list the things that have been going on with us lately..
- A couple weeks ago the whole family was sick with the flu. Ted even stayed home from work one day (He never calls in sick so he must have been really sick) Keegan had a huge vomit episode all over his Dad. It was kinda funny because he was happy and talking to his Dad and then it started coming and wouldn't stop. Ted just sat there on the couch stunned. When Keegan was finished he started laughing and talking again. I took this picture of Keegan just as his Dad was putting him in the tub. They were both covered! The next day I guess Keegan felt bad for leaving me out. I took the kids to Mcdonalds for lunch and I got the full force exercism. A nice lady came and took keegan and cleaned him up with his diaper wipes and I cleaned up myself and the table and his carrier, it was a mess. And it was smelly. I smelt like baby puke so we quickly packed up our food and left. I am sure half the play area left shortly after us.

- Ted's Grandmother pasted away last week. She was 89. She is the last of his Grandparents, she will be missed.
- Keegan is now 4 months. At his Dr's appointment his weight was 14 lbs. 10 oz. and he is 25 inches.

- Daesha got some insoles from the podiatrist to try and staighten her feet. I've been telling everyone she will be getting the shoes that look like boots. But I convinced the Dr that I really hated the thought of putting her in those. So when I went to get them today he handed me these hard plastic arch things. They look like giant pink potato chips. I guess he feels that the insoles will also work fine. And I have already seen improvement on her walking. We went to Walmart right after her appointment and she walked; even ran the entire time we were there. Usually she won't walk more than 10 steps. Her condition is diagnosed as Bilateral Medatarsus Adductus. Wade, the Dr is Scott F. Rogers, D.P.M. Does that answer your question on what kind of doctor??
- I pulled Daesha from Karate because it is right at a VERY grumpy hour of the day. She still wont take naps when I tell her to. But usually falls asleep anyway. But she was either grouchy or a complete spaz in class and wouldn't listen to her instructor. I decided it wasn't worth the hassle or the money.
- While I'm on the subject of money..I got my hair straitened at the salon. It went so strait!! I can't believe all my curl is gone. And it's so long too. It's pretty cool.
- As I started to think of things that have been going on with us lately it seemed more interesting and now I see that it was all pretty dumb. Sorry you read all that..


Debbi said...

That Dr. is a podiatrist then - DPM is Doctor of Podiatic Medicine. I'll have Wade call you and talk to you about the potatoe chips. I hope it helps and I'm glad she ran around walmart!:) Poor little Keegan! That picture is so sad!

I think your post was interesting - not boring! I'm so glad you are back to blogging!

The Perry Family said...

i didn't find your post boring or stupid at all. isn't that what we all write about? haha that really sucks about keegan puking. especially in mcdonalds! that is so great that someone helped you. i soooooo think you should enter keegan in a modeling contest or get him an agent or something, he is beautiful! love those eyes! hope daesha likes her chips! haha

Debbi said...

Try this for the backgrounds - I saw your comment on Heathers

Try that - but make sure you use the blogger part not the myspace. It has cute ones.

The Perry Family said...

you can go to and get free blogger layouts...thanks to debbi for telling us!!