Friday, October 19, 2007


I've been tagged. The rules are that you list 6 facts/habits about yourself then at the end of the post name 6 people that you are going to tag. Then you go into their comments and tell them that they have been tagged.
I will not be tagging 6 people, I only know 10 people who blog. And some just wont play this game. Trust me I know.

1. Some may say I am a clean freak. I am. I cant go to bed with dishes in the sink. And I cant stand dirty floors. I vacuum and sweep every day. Usually sweep more than once a day.

2. I love the smell of plastic. Especially bouncy balls.

3. I love to sing with the radio. I always dance in the car while driving. But I always stop singing and dancing when stopped at a light or stop sign. But if someone is with me I like to act silly and embarrass them.

4. While we are on the topic of driving I never drive the speed limit. I Always go too fast!

5. When I was in 2nd Grade I skipped school with a friend and went to the beach. Then hitched hiked home. I lived in California. First and only time my Mom spanked me.

6. I have a slight fear of water. Mostly lakes or deep water that I can't see the bottom.

Tag: Kim, Kurt, Emily, Ali, Shauna


The Perry Family said...

wow, i can't believe you hitch hiked????? i would freak out so bad if my kids did that!! haha i love that you like to sing to the radio, i LOVE to do that too. Go music! Without music, life would be so....quiet and boring! haha

Debbi said...

I'm so glad you played along! How funny. I am going to give you bouncy ball for Christmas - speaking of which, has anyone drawn names yet?