Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today Daesha got to wear her costume to school and they sang some songs for all the parents. Last year Daesha was sad because there were so many dressed the same as her, she was spiderman. This year she wanted to be a bad Tinkerbell. She came up with the idea on her own. So I got her a fairy dress and wings and sprayed them black. She was very pleased to see that nobody else was a BAD Tinkerbell. She was really excited when she told me that there were a couple good Tinkerbell's but no bad ones. I started to video them singing and my camera started beeping. It said my memory card was full!!! So here is why it was full (only some of the videos that have been taken in the last week.) I didn't put the video of me and Daesha getting close ups of our eye ball and up our nose and in our mouth. And the one of Keegan showing some aggressive behavior with Daesha's play gun is also one to only be on the family videos. Hope everyone has a fun and safe Halloween!


Kristin said...

I'm laughing at you bounce down the hall. I love those bouncing deals. I ride my kids all the time. They love it!!

Anonymous said...

Nice! I love the bad tinkerbell idea - did you get some pictures of her in her costume? Post them!

Kim said...

Those are some great videos. Way to go Daesha with the pledge of allegience. That video of you bouncing is hillarious.