Friday, November 21, 2008

So grateful to have old friends.

Tonight I went out with some old friends. We graduated the same year and went to the same church. We have had some really fun times as silly teens and girls camp and boys and dances. Through the years we have gotten married and have kids and life is going really good for everyone. I am so glad that we are all willing to keep in touch even if it's every 7 years. I love you guys so much!!! And a special love for Cathy. She was our Young Womens Leader. And she always went the extra mile for every one of us. We didn't realize it then, but we do now! She is so AWESOME!!

left to right: Ryann, Me, Kim, Cathy, Traci

Also had a very happy MOM moment today. Daesha made this Thanksgiving card in school today. I LOVED IT!!!!!!!


Mindi B said...

It is so much fun to get together with friends from our growing up years! It always brings back such good memories. That's great you had such a great YW's leader. It really does put it into perspective, now that we are older and have the opportunity to lead.

Kim said...

Darling card. I had a great time last night too. Definitely needed the night out.

Ryann said...

It was great being together again. If felt like old times we just needed to fill in a few years to make it complete. Now let's not wait 7 years this time!