Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Elder Nic Searle

On Sunday Daesha drew a picture for her cousin Nic. He left 3 weeks ago to the MTC. And is now in New Mexico serving a mission. Nic's mission was a big topic for months as he was preparing to go. So I am sure that alot of her illustrations are from some of those conversations. For instance, we guessed that perhaps Nic would be in contact with some Indian reservations. Namely the Navajo Nation, which is actually the largest in the United States. So it was no wonder that to a 7 year old Nic and his companion would be going to actual Teepee's. (One has smoke coming out the top. And in the middle is a tree. Which I thought was some sort of Totem Pole)
If you look closely it seems that Elder Nic is holding up a slice of pizza! It is not. But it is in fact, a Book of Mormon. Nic is also trying to casually fit in by wearing a feather on his head.
But my most favorite part about her drawing is that Nic's sister Tiffany is up on a cloud watching over him!
We are mailing it to him as soon as we get his new address. I'm pretty sure he is going to like it.

1 comment:

Jeff and Kira said...

I love this! I love the feather and book of mormon and Tiffany in the clouds. Daesha is so creative!

And by the way, for some reason this is the first time blogger has let me know that you've updated your blog in FOREVER! I was so surprised to see that you have been blogging all that time! I guess I have some catching up to do!