Sunday, June 28, 2009

If I Could I Would Go To Neverland

This last week was our town's celebration days. We were asked to build a miniature float for the childrens parade. This year's theme was "If I Could I Would.." We decided to go with .."Go To Neverland!" I was pretty happy with the finished product considering I had never heard of things like Festooning, or Petal Paper. And then there are rules and even judges! I've been to many parade's including the Rose Parade. As a spectator I admired the colorful and shiny ones. But actually bringing it all together was hard. We had a budget of $400. And quickly went over that so we used a bit out of pocket. It took us a total of 3 weeks to make. And we were finished 3 days before the actual parade. Ted did an amazing job cutting the wood and building the pirate ship. We made the tree out of PVC pipe, chicken wire, grocery bags, and insulation foam. If you look close you can see Tinkerball hanging from the tree. We also had a sand island around the back half of the float with a treaure chest at the base of the tree. But the best part about the entire float was the cannon holes. Ted had set PVC pipes up to a fog machine. This shot bursts of smoke out of the ships cannons. After it was said and done I have to admit it was fun. Not sure that we will be volunteering for it in future.

On the morning of the parade I was totally shocked at how amazing some of the floats were! I am pretty sure there are some veterans in this town who have made more than a few floats in their lifetime. It was super fun to look at the floats in a new perspective. I understand the time and creativity it takes to make a float. And ours were little (10x8) hand pulled carts. I can't even imagine building the huge ones!!!

Some floats that got the "WOW" from me..


Angela's Angels said...

You guys did an amazing job!! It is a lot of work, but it was a great experience right....hopefully a 'one time' experience!!

Jeff and Kira said...

Wow, the float looks amazing! How fun! And just let me know when you need some help with the yard sale. I hope it's going well!