Sunday, October 11, 2009

Please Adopt Me..

Ted and I are used to the fact that in our neighborhood and also church members know us as the ones with the black kids. I don't mind. There are far worst things to be tagged with.
Today a mother in our church congregation came to me laughing. She said, "I have got to tell you what my daughter said about your family".
Let me just say that I do know who this woman is but her kids have never been to our house. Infact, I couldn't even tell you who her kids are.
She continued telling me that her 6 year old daughter had gotten in trouble and after being repremanded and then grounded for the day her daughter sobbed "I AM RUNNING AWAY".
Like every mother's reply... "really, where would you go?"
"I am going to live with the family that adopts kids. The ones who have the two blacks kids.. and they wanted to get another one and couldn't, so I bet they would be happy to have me!"
(OK so she was aware of the benefit yard sale we had)
Mother says, "Do you even know how to get there?"
"Yes you go to the church and turn like you are going to Owen's house and they are right there"
(pretty accurate)
Mother. "Do you think that they are a perfect family and never get upset with their kids?"
"No they don't get mad at their kids because they wanted their kids"

I was seriously laughing the whole time she was telling me this story. I thought that it was so cute that she thinks our family doesn't fight. And the fact that she felt we would welcome any and all kids in our home. Although, there is some truth to that.

After this little discussion the mother decided that she had better explain that they wanted her too. And that God puts children with certain families.... And so in the end she decided to stay with her family.
whew, the world is right again.


Debbi said...

I love it! I was laughing so hard and had to read this to Wade. I think it's a compliment she wanted to live at your house, I think my kids would want to come to your house too. You guys are fun:) Miss you guys!

Jeff and Kira said...

hahaha SO cute!

Kim said...

My kids love coming to your house. It's always a fight to get them to leave. The truth is that you and Ted and wonderful parents!!!! Thanks for watching the kids last night.