Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween and Snowbird Scrap Pages

Thanks to Just So Scrappy I love all the papers and kits she has!! I have nearly every kit. They are my FAVORITE.


Debbi said...

geez Chandra, way to make me feel like crap about my own scrapbooking abilities. serioulsy, I am amazed, you always have the time and get everything done so well. They look great. I hope this means you are feeling better too, that is CRAZY you were so sick. I wish I could have brought you some dinner or taken the kids for a few days, but I'm sure they had fun with Ted. We've been praying for you guys:) Miss ya!

ps - are you standing in line for new moon this year?

Bret Bushman Family said...

I love how your pages turned cute. JSS is by far my favorite to. I asked her if she would put some sports kits together and she said she was, can't wait.

Anonymous said...

What a great scrapbooking momma you are!

Great to hear from you -- how are things going? Terrible about the swine flu, hope everyone is feeling much better.