Sunday, July 11, 2010


Ask yourself what is your least favorite thing about being outdoors.
I am betting about 50% of you said BUGS. The other 50% said DIRT. Both are things I too don't like about the outdoors. But I think the 2 greatests things about the outdoors are the sights and smells. So the other 2 least favorite things I can easily look past when I am outdoors.
Our family loves going on ATV rides. The grit in my teeth at the end of a long ride is the most annoying feeling... #2 worst things about the outdoors. But seriously one can't help from getting grit in their teeth if you are enjoying a good ride while smiling and laughing the entire time. Saturday afternoon spent with Grandpa Kent, Ed, Hunter, Wade, Gage, Matt and his son up AF canyon was alot of fun. We went on some very rocky terrain were I really thought we would flip over. Thanks to my husbands expertise in driving an ATV the kids and I made it back safely. We encountered a drunken Marine (so he said) firing an automatic high powered gun over our heads! A fat hispanic man wearing a belly shirt. Two girl sunbathers who obviously had fallen asleep for hours and were looking a lovely shade of pink. No, more like purple.

Among the more enjoyable things we saw were hundreds of wild flowers, a deer, a beaver dam and a beaver. We drove through dense quacking aspen forests, and ended our ride with a view of the back of Timpanogos at sundown.
Our day wasn't over until we got back to the trailors. We were in a small hurry to get us home because it was now 10:30 and we all needed showers before bed. A young man about 25ish came over to us. He was looking for someone who had a phone that might have service. We informed him that nobody would have service up here. We talked to him and learned that his friend was up the road at the place they had been camping since Thursday. and they were expecting their ride to come and get them around 7. We felt he was nice enough and not of any harm so we said we would take them down the canyon were they could call them a ride. So we drove back up the dirt road and packed up their camping gear in our suburban. On the way down they said that they were so grateful. They had run out of water and food around noon. They were getting worried that they may need to stay another night without food and water. And even more worried about the one guys wife who was supposed to come and pick them up. Once we got out of the canyon we took them to Wendy's and they were able to get in touch with his wife. She was upset too because she had to work late and was franticly trying to get a hold of them to let them know she was coming. She was only 10 minutes away from us by the time they called. So all was well and I was more than happy to brush that dang grit off my teeth until next time we go out in nature, were you never know what you are going to see.

Snack break...

Daesha always falls asleep when we go for rides. Once we stop she wakes up again. She wasn't in a bad mood I guess this is her waking up look.

It was really cold!

Daesha goofing off with her cousin Gage.
He didn't like that she was giving him a flower! How GiRLy.

Proof of a good ride.... just a little dirt.

Keegan looks like an old man with his dusty hair! Hahahaha

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