Friday, December 2, 2011

Elf on a Shelf

This year we have started a new Christmas tradition that should be lots of fun. If you haven't heard or seen The Elf on the Shelf, here is a brief description. There is a story book about an elf who returns to Santa each night and reports to Santa if you have been naughty or nice. He also reports to Santa what you want for Christmas. Nobody is allowed to touch the elf because he will loose all his magic and cant fly back to Santa. You get online and name your elf so that he will come back every Christmas time. He is assigned to your family and only your family. Keegan picked a great name for our elf. THOR.
So the fun part is that each night the grownups get to put the elf in someplace new so the kids can wake up and find him. I just have to mention how it is pretty much the ugliest elf I have ever seen...
Daesha decided that the elf must be extremely hungry because who knows how long he had been in the box... so she put a plate of crackers and a note that said "For Thor" in front of his closed box. The next morning the kids found out that Daesha was right.



Jeff and Kira said...

hahaha! I love everything about this post!

Amy said...

Your kids are darling Chandra, just caught up on your blog. :) The Elf on the Shelf, what a good idea:)

Kerra 'n' Josh said...

So fun! i just might have to purchase us an elf one of these days :) Can't wait to see you for christmas! love ya