Saturday, February 25, 2012

Trip to the Planetarium

One cold and windy Saturday morning calls for an outing. I really didn't want to go out. This sort of cold days makes me crawl in bed and read a good book. The kids must have had a serious case of cabin fever because they were relentless in getting me up and out of the house. Today it was voted to take the Trax train. They love taking the train to Salt Lake City. I do too, because I enjoy watching people. There are some interesting people that ride the train :)
See the excitement.....
Keegan thought this chair by itself was calling his name.
But with each stop more patrons got on board so I had Keegan come sit with Daesha and I. He wasn't so thrilled.
We took the train all the way to the Planetarium. The kids entertained me all afternoon. They had so much fun and wanted me to take pictures of everything. The thing that was cracking me up was the commentary they provided for me as we went through the museum. I think I have a couple science fiction fans on my hands. We ended our play in the museum and then walked over to the eatery at Gateway.
Here are a few pictures the kids had me take. Some I snapped on my own. Most the kids carefully planned out.
Keegan was afraid to touch the dry ice fog. He was standing dramatically far away so that the drifted fog wouldn't get anywhere close to him.
Plasma globes are sooooooo CoOoOLLLL. I want one this big at our house. You would think Keegan would be weary of this if he was worried about the fog. Nope. He was actually the first to squish his face right up to the globe.

The moon photo op is silly. Keegan didn't like that people would walk by and smile at him while I was trying to take a picture. I took a bit too long getting this picture to take so he decided he had stood there long enough and didn't like being gawked at. He was out there!
I was faster this time but Keegan kept a close eye at the people staring :)
Walking in the astronauts boot prints.
Daesha and Keegan acting as if they are actually on the moon. It's cold....
Keegan wishes that he was light as air. Here he is, living proof that gravity does exist after a stumble.

Kids acting like they can lift this huge rock because on the moon it would be much lighter and not glued to the set.
Daesha mentioned that there should be an American flag on the moon. Here is her own idea of commemorating that... cute girl huh?
And now Mars..... and my little Martians.
Apparently Mars is a boring place.

Daesha came up with this photo opportunity all by herself!!! She thought that it really would look like she was holding up the moon. After I took it Daesha has to see the picture to see if it actually worked. The kids thought it was hilarious and laughed so hard at their awesome idea!

Lifting an actual meteor that was really heavy!
Not sure what was so eye popping. By the time I turned around the moment was over... I guess.
Speaking of eye popping. This little rubber alien was super funny to Keegan. When you squeeze it his eyes would pop out and wiggle all around.
The gift shop is just as fun! We spend alot of time laughing and playing.
Daesha spotted some mood rings. She thinks that it is the coolest thing ever that it can actually tell what your feeling. It was cheap so I let her use some of her birthday money to get one. She was one happy girl. That meant her ring was bright green! :)
Keegan got a lego austronaut. If he had a mood ring it would have been bright green too!
We ended up spending the entire day in Salt Lake. The weather ended up being perfect for a day out. The train ride back had both kids asleep within seconds.
Keegan was cracking me up. He had no place to rest his head to get some Z's so he would to the ever so fun to watch.. doze off for a second then as he started to lean to the side his eyes would pop open, then doze off again only to repeat a dozen times

Then finally end up in the slow motion lean over and.... success!

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